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8 پاسخ

  1. چرا؟ مرد پای زن را می کشد يا گرفته است؟ به کمک او به سوی سرنوشت می رود يا می خواهد او را بازدارد خود جلوتر برود؟

  2. Mmmm… I think it depends on their relationship.
    By the way, thanks for the compliment.

  3. باز میشود گفت که این همان آدت معروف و قدیمیی مردان است که از آدم میراس گرفته اند

  4. شايد هم مرد دارد زن را بزور به سوي رستگاري و روشنايي مي برد چون آنقدر سعه صدر دارد كه دلش نمي آيد تنهايي به سعادت برسد!

  5. Hi Shakhzoda, this is my new story. I hope you will like it and let me know what do you think about it.
    best wishes,
    By Aibike Esengulova
    I want to tell a story which I heard along time ago, but which I will always remember.
    When I was a small girl I used to spend my summer in a village at my grandparent’s house. It was a beautiful countryside, with mountains and a small lake. At this time of year, the village was full of colours and life, and as I remember a sky was blue. And a smell! I will never forget the mix smell of flowers, apples, cherries and green grass; all in one it was a smell of my childhood, the real smell of the summer.
    I knew everyone in the village, every adult but mostly every kid. We used to play different kinds of games from morning till night, and I couldn’t wait till next morning, when we could play some more. We used to hide in the mountains, perform in barn, like a theatre and play anything we could possible imagine. We were happy and free. Our favourite one was to still an apples from “Mr. Nemo`s” garden.
    His real name was Valentin Radev. He was a vet. His farm was settled down in the end of the village, were you could see lake from. He had no wife, no family and our neibour, an elderly woman Diana Ivanovna; a widow of general Gradov was his only friend and used to help him with housework.
    Radev was around 40 by that time, which knew that one-day I will be the same age, I didn’t. So you could imagine that 65 years old woman was like Terezey to me. But I mast say she was one of that strong and interesting women who inspire with her energy and ideas everyone who surrounds her.
    She wasn’t very tall, but maybe because of her irreproachable bearing and strong character she looked higher then any woman in the village. She had pearly white scene and the same colour hair, which was accurately collect on the back. Her eyes were deep blue and expressive.
    I actually never met “Mr. Nemo” before that day when I was the one who should`ve stole the apples from his garden, but I hired a lot from my friends. He was the main character of our stories; anything about him was mystery for us. His studio in farm with his art works which we never sow, his huge library, Diana Ivanovna`s favourite, his loneliness, even his ordinary job, everything was like a smoke, through which we could see our stories.
    Once on a very worm and nice evening and a few of my friends decided to visit the mysteries house and steel some of the mystery fruits. After a long discussion, it was decided that I should go a lone and my partners in crime would wait for me at a fence. When I was ready Akil, a boy who was one year younger than I, asked if I am scared, I said “no” was and I didn’t lie; I was to exit to be scared.
    I don’t remember how I got to that tree, but I’ll never forget how frighten I was when climbing up and sow the man, who was sitting above me and looking at the sky thought his binocular. When he looked at me I started to scream and couldn’t stop till got home.
    My grandmother, who looked more scared than I did, asked me what happened. I was crying and told her everything. Till that time I didn’t notice there was someone else in the room. Diana Ivanovna was sitting in a veranda on the sofa with a cup of tea in her hands. Both of them were relived after a told them my story.
    -Everything is fine my dear, you are at home now – said my Granny.
    – Shell we tell her a story about a boy- said Diana Ivanovna to my Grandma
    All my fears turned into interest, I was looking at my Granny like she was a God, and thinking “Please saw YES”.
    All right than, I just will make some fresh tea- said my favourite person and went to the kichen. When she came back with tea and home maid muffins Diana Ivanovna started her story with not loud voice, but voice filling up the whole room: “ I read Homer’s Iliad last night it is beautiful!” said nine years old Valentin to his best friend and classmate Akinay.
    “I read Homer’s Iliad last night it is beautiful!” said nine years old Valentin to his best friend and classmate Akinay. She was the tallest girl in a class with lone black hair, white scene and with big black eyes. “I’m oriental looking I can’t have a big eyes.” Said once Akinay when someone mansion it. In another hands Valentin was a very small and skinny boy with light blue eyes, light brown hair and quiet character.
    They were sitting in a classroom and didn’t hear how new teacher comes in and was listening them.
    – I’ve never hared it before tell me! – beg him Akinay.
    But before boy could say anything Denis Alexeevich, new literature teacher asked him loudly:
    – Please, tell us all!
    Valentine gets whole red and all he could saw was “Sorry”
    – No, no don’t be sorry. I’m sure no one read the “Iliad” in this class, except me, and if you did, we want to know! – Said ironically man, who was middle age, middle high with a grey eyes, grey hair, somehow even grey scene, man who would you never notice on the street.
    – We are waiting…what is your name?
    – Valentine
    – We are waiting Valentine!
    – It is a story about love, honour and feat. – Carefully said boy.
    – Can you be more specific, please! – Demanded teacher.
    – It is about couple that loved each other so mach; they risk everything they had to be together…
    – What was the name of Odysseus’s son? – Smiled Denis Alexeevich.
    Valentine couldn’t remember, even if someone could put a gun to his head, he wouln`ve remember.
    – Telemachos! His name was Telemachos! Anyway my point is that that lie its most of the unacceptable thing in my class, even lying to get girls attention. – Pupils in the back started to laugh. Valentine couldn’t breeze; his eyes started to fill with tears.
    Akinay, who couldn’t keep silent anymore, stood up and said:
    – Valentine never lies!
    – And your name is? Asked a new teacher
    – Akinay
    – Did you ever read the Iliad Akinay?
    – No, never.
    – Well I did. I read it when I was around 22. It is impossible to read it when you are eight.
    – And what is your name? – Asked Akinay with Denis Alexeevich`s manners. The same pupil in the back laughed again but this time at teacher.
    He did remember that he forgets to introduce him self and felt a bit impressed.
    – My name is Denis Alexeevich. I’m your new Russian literature teacher.
    – Denis Alexeevich it was impossible for you but not for Valentine. You are right, I’ve never read the book, but I know my friend he never lays that’s way he gets my attention.
    The teacher of Russian literature felt even more embarrassed and lost him self for a second. “Who the hell is she?” thought but said very deferent thing:
    – The second unacceptable thing is this kind of behaviour. I want to see your parents tomorrow Akinay…
    – But it is not her fold! – Said Valentine, who thought that only thing which left to do, is die.
    – And your parents as well. – He took a long breezed and continued,
    – As I said my name is Denis Alexeevich, and today we going to read one of the Crilov`s fable, on page 87. You’ve got ten minutes to read it. Nine…
    Akinay felt hate which she never felt before. Valentine was thinking about everything in the same time. About his Mum who was very ill and he got scared that she would be so upset when she got a call from school; about Akinay, a brave girl, who got into a trebles because of hi, for him. About classmates who probably will always think abut him as a liar.
    This winter was the most difficult time in boy’s life. His Mum was seriously ill and her friend Diana Ivanovna was staying by her days and nights. He never knew his Dad, who died in a car crash when Valentine was just seven months old. And now he couldn’t imagine what will happen if she… no she’ll never leave him a lone.
    Valentine started to hate his school, Russian literature and mostly Crilov and Pushkin. He never read they book and he knew he never would. His favourite subject terned into hell and 45 minutes of lesson into etentery. Somehow he even started to fill hostility to Helene, Paris and whole Troy (especially to Oddesseus`s son Telemachos). But he didn’t give up his books because it was only a place were he felt free. And he didn’t give up school because it was only a place, were he could meet Akinay.
    It was already the end of the winter when Valentine was late for a lesson. The first one was literature. He knocked and opened the door:
    – I’m sorry I`m late, can I come in please?
    – Here you go! You can come in now, but next time I will send you home. – Answered Denis Alexeevich with his usual smile and loud voice.
    “ I would love to go home this time, “ thought Valentine and Denis Alexeevich turned into a bubble and burst. Unfortunately not in real life and Valentine had to stay. Akinay and Valentine were sitting in different part of class. Denis Alexeevich didn’t let them sit together.
    – Last time we wrote assay about Pushkin`s life. Most of you have good marks, well done! You wrote exactly what I wanted. But not all of you. Valentine Radev! What do you mean by saying “…? Pushkin`s death is a mystery, the rizons for his death were known after ten years. In this large period of time, people who had interest in hiding the truth could hide the real facts and make up everything we know…”. It’s not a mystery, we was styling it for four months. I know you have a family problems, but it’s not an excuse, you should study and write what I you’ve been told!
    Valentine didn’t say anything; in fact he couldn’t even see anything. But if he could see Akinay right now, he would’ve found her very surprised, she looked speechless.
    The Teacher looked at her and said:
    – O yes! You right Akinay; you had one assessment for two of you, so I split mark in two.
    Akinay stood up and started to pack her staff, Denis Alexeevich was surprised.
    – I don’t understand how do you expect us to write the same assay, if we were sitting in different parts of class. You are accusing us of things that we’ve never done, that should be unexpected in the class. Anyway I’m leaving this school, my parents said that you killing freedom of speech and fantasy, the best that people have, like a sniper write into the heart.-she took her bag and approached valentine, kissed him and said:
    – You have to leave the school as soon as it possible or you will be the one who going to get bullet in the heart. -She said that and left ones and forever. Whole world turned into black and white.
    Valentine got very ill. He had a very high temperature and couldn’t eat. He also didn’t want to see people, he felt very tied of everything. So Diana desisted to send him to his Grandmother who was living in a county side.
    After a few months he found out, why she had done it and just after many, many years he could forgive her and be grateful.
    And he was right because it was the best decision to make. Valentine found him self in the Village. Peace which he couldn’t find in the grey and noisy city, the beauty of nature in his doorsteps, an animals, who was much more sensible than human, his Granddad’s Liberia, where he could doze off himself in his passion. And something more, something that no one knew except him, Diana’s decision saved his life. Only thing, which was missing in this beauty, was his Mum.
    He was leaving for three months in the village and got mach better, when Diana came and took him and his Granny to the hospital.
    It was a sunny day with blue sky, the day full of fresh air and the colours, the last day of his Mother life.
    “It was a sunny day with blue sky, the day full of fresh air and the colours, the last day of his Mother life.” Diana Ivanovna couldn’t say anything else, her eyes was full of tears. After the story I cried whole night, and I wasn’t the only one.
    In the morning I ask my Granny to take me to his farm, I wanted to apologise. When we arrived there, we found Radev at his studio. It was such a beautiful place. Different from anything I have ever sowed. He invited us in and it was the proper time when I meet the mystery man, Mr. Nemo, a boy who had been shut by a sniper in the heart, but who ad been kept a live by my neighbour Diana Ivanovna. He was tall man with light brown hair and light blue eyes, who was carrying a tassel in his hand and smiling at us. And suddenly I sow a small boy who found him self in the village, in his grandmother’s house.
    When I came back to bishkek I ask my Mum to find Denis Alexeevich. It was not difficult; he was a literature teacher in the same school. When my Mum went to see him he said, “…I’m proud of myself! I changed so many kids’ life…”. This old and unsuccessful teacher never understood how right he was.
    Unfortunately we couldn’t find Akinay. I don’t know if Valentine ever looked for her. This part of his life will always be a mystery for me.