Melodies of Orient

                                             If you are an artist, do not miss it

International Music Festival “Sharq Taronalari” (“Melodies of Orient”) is one of the biggest festivals in Central Asia. The main aims and objectives of the festival are to popularize widely the best achievements of national music art, to preserve and develop great traditions of people, to encourage talents in musical and vocal sphere, as well as to spread in further international creative ties, to strengthen cultural-spiritual cooperation,  to praise peace, friendship and ideas of mutual sympathy.

The first International Music Festival “Sharq Taronalari” (“Melodies
of Orient”) took place in 1997 at which participated musical groups
and performers from 31 different countries. Today it became one of the
most popular and famous festivals not only in Central Asia but also
abroad. The bright evidence to this is that year after year not only
the number and the artistic level of participants are increasing, but
also geographical range of participating countries is widened.

Thus, at the 5th International Music Festival “Sharq Taronalari” that
was held on in 2005, participants from 51 countries attended the event.

It became a good tradition to undertake international scientific
conferences, devoted to particular aspects of music, at which
participate scientists and scholars from all over the world.

Each Festival, that was held on in Samarkand is unique and exclusive.
Peculiarity of the 6th Festival, which will take place within the last
week of August in 2007, will be that it coincides with celebration of
2750 year anniversary of Samarkand at international level and all
participants of the Festival “Sharq Taronalari” will be witnesses of
festivities devoted to this special event.

100011, Uzbekistan , Tashkent, Uygur str.2 Tel .(998 71)1445652, ,FAX:
1441354, 1441976  E-mail: sharg2007@

Regulations Of The Samarkand International Music Festival

“Sharq Taronalari” (“Melodies Of Orient”).

The International Music Festival “Sharq Taronalari” has been set up
for the purposes to popularize the best achievements of national
musical arts, preserve and develop great folklore traditions, to bring
up young generation to love excellence, as well as to further
expansion of International creative links, glorifying the ideas of
peace, friendship, mutual understanding, further strengthening of
mutual cultural and spiritual cooperation.

The festival has been held once in two years since 1997 from 24 to 31
August in Samarkand city ( Uzbekistan ).

1. Structure of the festival

The main founders of the International Music Festival “Sharq
Taronalari” are the Ministry of Cultural and Sports Affairs of the
Republic of Uzbekistan, Concert Association “UZBEKNAVO”, National
Television and Radio Company of Uzbekistan, Union of Composers of
Uzbekistan, Samarkand region Municipality.

2. Festival Arrangements

The following events will take place during the festival:
– Competition on the best performance of a national song;
– Scientific-theoretical conference;
– Gala-concert.

3. Festival Conditions

The creative delegations of up to 6 persons may participate in the
festival events.  All the expenses in Uzbekistan will be covered by
the Festival Organizing Committee. Double room accommodations in
hotels will be provided. (If participant wants to stay at single room,
it’s necessary to pay in addition).

The number of additional participants covering their own expenses is
limited up to 9 persons.

All participants will have to submit their musical program to the
Organizing Committee by the fixed date.

Duration of the musical program should not exceed 30 minutes and may
include the following directions:

1. Folk musical arts;

2. Traditional classic music;

3. Modern music, including variety compositions.

Every participant must have national flag of his country (size 1m x 2m

4. Conditions of the Best Performance of a National Song competition

Professional and amateur creative groups, as well as soloists may take
part in the competition.

The competition consists of 3 rounds.

At the first round, which is considered to be preliminary, a candidate
will be selected through the audition of his/her 3 song recordings
(audio/video cassette or CD).  Total duration of the songs should not
exceed 15 minutes.  Participants should send audio/video cassettes,
CD/DVDs and photos to the address of the Organizing Committee by the
fixed date.

The songs at the second and third rounds should be performed only by
performer him/herself.  Music accompaniment is allowed with phonogram.

Deadline of application for participation in the competition is May
15, 2007. Application forms should be sent to the following address:

2, Uygur street, Direction of the Music Festival “Sharq Taronalari”,
100011 Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan.
E-mail:   /
Tel: (998 71) 144 56 52, 144 19 76   Fax: (998 71) 144 13 54, 1441976

5. International Jury

The International Jury will be formed for estimation of the

The bright national characteristics, pithiness, high level of
performing skill of singers, the Oriental dressing and stage artistizm
are the main criteria of the estimation of jury.

6. Awards

The following awards are established for the winners of the
Grand Prix – US $ 10,000
The first prize (2) – US $ 7,000 for each
The second prize (2) – US $ 5,000 for each
The third prize (2) – US $ 3,000 for each

Founders, creative unions, funds and other organizations may establish
special prizes.

The CDs of the compositions performed by winners of the competition
will be issued.

All participants of the Competition will be awarded with special

7. Organizer’s rights
The International Festival reserves the following rights worldwide:

1. The exclusive right to broadcast or permit others to broadcast the
2. The exclusive right to produce and distribute all types of festival
audio and video materials (records, CD/DVDs, films and
3. The exclusive right to use for promotional purposes some of the
subsidiary materials sent by applicants to the Organizing Committee.
4. All participants coming to the Competition sign an Agreement with
the Competition about observing licenses, copyrights, and respecting
laws and traditions of Uzbekistan , fulfillment of the Regulations of
the Contest and present their own medical insurances.

8. Conference

The International Scientific and Theoretical Conference as well as
“round table” of managers and producers for International cooperation
in the music industry will be organized.

The persons speaking at the conference should present texts of reports
or detailed theses in advance.

The working languages of the conference are Uzbek, English, Arabic and


for participation in the competition

“Sharq Taronalari”


First name:_________________________

Second name (Middle name):_______________

Date of  birth:___________________________





The title of the organization:________________

Passport details:_________________________






the 1st  song_________the 2nd  song__________the 3rd  song_________


Arrangement operator________________

Sound manager_____________________

I admitted the competition regulations of the International Music
Festival “Sharq Taronalari” which is held in Samarkand.



Enclosure:  brief creative autobiography;

                  4 colored photos, size 13×18;

                  2 slides of international standard;

                  videocassette, CD;

                  poster, booklets.                           

یک پاسخ

  1. هوشنگ گلشیری را من پیش از اینها شناخته بودم. خیلی زودتر از اینکه قرار شود موضوع پایان نامه ام او باشد… با شما در وبلاگ آقای معروفی آشنا شدم. سری به من ميزنی دوست عزيز؟

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