Segolene Royal!


Royal, Royal…
This is man’s battlefield you couldn’t entry, where they can’t be devil and fase a diva as a gentle man.

8 پاسخ

  1. Plz post this on u’r site. u may think that this is irrelevant etc.etc. but it would indeed highly be appreciated if everyone reads my words.
    Samarkand is MY LAND, is the LAND where my people lived for centuries, is the land where they celebreated their victories and the land where they were tortured. The land where MY people are now being discriminated agains, and assimilated. The God blessed land which was taken away and about which its sons and doughters living away from it dream of returning. The land wich is the base of my peoples’ history. The land which has seen so much and which is now made to cry with blood-tears. The land of Tajiks! The motherland which we have not seen but the one which we can fight for till our last breath. The land I see every night in my dreams. The land which will NEVER be forgotten and soon returned!

  2. Plz post this on u’r site. u may think that this is irrelevant etc.etc. but it would indeed highly be appreciated if everyone reads my words.
    Samarkand is MY LAND, is the LAND where my people lived for centuries, is the land where they celebreated their victories and the land where they were tortured. The land where MY people are now being discriminated agains, and assimilated. The God blessed land which was taken away and about which its sons and doughters living away from it dream of returning. The land wich is the base of my peoples’ history. The land which has seen so much and which is now made to cry with blood-tears. The land of Tajiks! The motherland which we have not seen but the one which we can fight for till our last breath. The land I see every night in my dreams. The land which will NEVER be forgotten and soon returned!

  3. درود بر تو دختر زيباي سمرقندي
    سمرقند شهر روياهاي من است . سال هشتاد و چهار به تاجيكستان رفتم و بزودي از شهرهاي سمرقند و بخارا ديدن خواهم كرد . يادمانهاي خود از روانگي به تاجيكستان را در وبلاگ خود به آدرس
    نوشته ام . اما دوسا گرامي به سختي مي شود براي شما پيغام گذاشت . گويا دشواري كار به سرور شما وابسته است . به هر روي شادمان خواهم شد اگر بتوانم با شما ارتباط نامه اي برقرار كنم لطفا به آدرس برايم نامه بنويسيد چون من آدرس شما را ندارم يعني آدرس پست الكترونيك شما را در اختيار ندارم . دوست داشتم در باره ي وضعيت فعلي شهرهاي فارسي زبان ازبكستان از شما اطلاعات بگيرم . چشم براه نامه ي شما هستم .
    اما درباره ي نظرخواهي شما در مورد سلگون رويال و سركوزي : راستش من از نظرات آنها در مورد سياست و برنامه هايشان براي بهبود وضعيت كشور آگاهي درست و دقيقي ندارم ، بنابراين نمي توانم از ميان آندو يكي را برگزينم .
    چو ايران نباشد تن من مباد – بدين بوم و بر زنده يك تن مباد
    دريغ است ايران كه ويران شود – كنام پلنگان و شيران شود : فردوسي توسي

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