links to Tajik music to download

Here are some links to the websites, where you can download some Tajik musics for free. This post is for readers, who asked me for it.
Radio Khorasan:
Squidoo website:
Afzalshah Shadiev Tajik singer works available here:
Thease guys are wellcome to help if you had any questions to ask about Tajik
If you are after Bollywood style here is the Tajik version of it:
A clip by Manija Davlatova-Tajik pop singer:
H&S Media LTD- selected Tajik music

That’s it for now. I’ll add some more later if you wish. I hope you will like them, well, some of them. You can also visit Radio Zamaneh site, we have some nice radio programs on Central Asian musicl:

Tajik pop singers are doing well so far, but surely they have a long way to go to get to the higher standards. You Tube has some clips as well. Just type ‘Tajik music’ if you don’t know the name of the singer. I am ready to help futher if I can. Well, that’s it for, hope you use these links and enjoy. 

9 پاسخ

  1. hi.i am from iran.i want information aboat firooze.she is a tajik singer.(she is from khojand)
    i want her websait or a place for doawnload her music
    i am wait.thank you

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