Ladies night is not only a hen- party

 It was in Tushinkski Pathe  in Amsterdam, when for the first time I was invited to a ladies night. I was a bit of tushinskipatheconfused: ladies night in cinema? With all that expierences I have had in England, I was expecting something like a hen-party. Hen-party is where all the mad and energetic ladies gather to celebrate I don’t know what, but without  man. Women dress as it feels funny and funky and there is no pretention or looking nice or without any complex as they have it infront of an opposite sex. They just gather to have fun and it is all about drinking and dancing till they drop drunk and tierd.
But in Tushinkski it was all about chatting and meeting people, testing new parfumes with a glass of wine in their hands and finaly finding their sits in cinema hall. After the film there was a bag full of gifts waiting them outside at the dour.
I have enjoyed it much better.
So, there is another ladies night coming soon (7th June at 20:45) together with the preview of a Premonition, were Sandra Bullock will be palying a main part. If you are around, give yourself a break and invite a friend. Man are wellcome too!

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